“M Atmosphere “was the place, kindly provided by Montepio Foundation in both cities for the Comunicatorium Platform presentation, which took place on 11 November in Lisbon and on 3 of December in Oporto. From north to south of the country many were the entities who answered the call and were present in the two Comunicatorium Platform presentation sessions.
The importance of a communication strategy in connection with society, companies and government entities, ensuring as businesses the right to obtain the necessary means for the performance of their role in suppressing social needs, were one of the topics included the agenda of this presentation.
"We want to enhance the communication of the institutions that make up the social economy in its connection with the community," said Vera Norte, co-founder of Comunicatorium.
The Comunicatorium launches an offer of specialized and multipurpose services: "Pack Social Economy", associated with the implementation of its platform, for the promotion and visibility of the sector's entities and their impact regarding the expansion to more beneficiaries. "The Comunicatorium platform is adding training in this area," said Luis Roberto, co-founder of Comunicatorium.
"This platform is essential to help, categorize and prioritize actions, considering the gains to be achieved", it was reported by one of the participants.