We believe that sharing, knowledge, engagement and innovation are needed values to have a better communication. In line with this we created in February a linkedin special heading: “Notables” with the goal of sharing views about Organizational Communication.
The first challenge launched was about organizational communication trends for 2016.
Active professionals in the communication practice, teachers , managers were sharing their critical view on what are the organizational communication trends in their sector. In all cases it was relevant the Humanization and the growing interconnections and interdependences of the different stakeholders
It was also unanimous that communication should be part of the organization’s strategy
Some references:
»" The communication must have an integrated approach."
» It is through communication that "the brand identity is maintained". Organizations must "create partnerships to expand their communication results."
» Organizations must increase "delivering of personalized messages”. The contact with the different stakeholders "is becoming more affordable and accessible."
» Organizations need to enhance communication with its "human targets because they are the ones that will make a difference."
For us, Comunicatorium, a more strategically, integrated, targeted, consistent and people oriented communication will surely achieve better results for business organizations contributing to their credibility, respect and trust.
Hopefully all this would become trends!
Montepio Foundation Director and GRACE President
Assistant Professor
Portuguese Catholic University Coordinator
“In the academic world, organizational communication in its many practices is fundamental to contribute to the student’s sense of belonging, the proud of being of the institution. More often the students, before being given their bachelor or master degree, were call to be brand-university ambassadors. The organizational communication in this sector also tends to strengthen its presence as a mobilizing intervention of students employability, additional to classes and other training services: never in the past had we, as we have now, the need to provide students with adequate, credible and useful information, to assist them in their personal positioning approach to professional opportunities.”
“Infraestruturas de Portugal” Communication, Image and Stakeholders Director
“In this financial and governance model restructuration phase of the transports sector, communication has the responsibility to promote the organizations skills and talents, assuming an engaging tone.
The path must be made through a more business communication (than institutional), oriented to build a close and trusting relationship with its stakeholders - internal and external - creating Brand and Identity.”
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa – Social Action – Internal Communication
“In the future, the success of organizations will be increasingly dependent on detail, since the global supply is increasingly undifferentiated.
Motivated, integrated and knowledgeable staff will make the micro difference, a difference that can be crucial to the business success. The organizational communication has a decisive role here. Today and tomorrow will continue to be the human assets to unbalance the organizations added value. Communication is in the basis of cooperation activities between human beings, which is the same concept that underpins the organizations. The “Darwinism” arrived to communication.”
“Águas de Portugal “Corporate Communication and Image Director
“In my opinion, in this increasingly complex and “noisy” world, organizational communication will tend to a sophisticated simplicity, using the organization's values substantive messages, formatted to stakeholders interests and distributed in multiple existing channels, almost as if they were "customized deliveries." In this respect, I believe that much of the communication investment will be directed to actively listening the organization's stakeholders and to the integration and consistency of messages across the various channels. The communication value as an organization strategic area also has potential for improvement and may have very positive impacts particularly in terms of reputational risk management.”
“Logic”- member of the board
“In the logistics sector, as in other sectors, the organizational communication major trend originates in the informally information passage, which is why the message has to be accessible and available - and in this the online systems are absolutely fundamental. Companies are adapting to these new trends, with presence in all social networks and formatted front end for different devices. The information quality and good communication plans are vital to achieve business success.”
European University Corporate Communication Manager
“In the Portuguese Higher Education sector, the Organizational Communication faces titanic challenges in 2016, starting with the maximum transparency and rigor need that the market itself demands.
Prestige and high reputation are two of the basic premises for those working in Communications in Higher Education Institutions. Only this way is possible to win trust and credibility with students, parents and employers.
These organizations challenge, as communication is concerned, is to acknowledge this area as strategic and dorsal to the objectives fulfillment, working the communication in an integrated perspective, both internally and externally. Moreover, in this sector, communication will also be very focused on retention strategies and students loyalty, whose aim will be to increase engagement level and sense of pride and belonging to the institutions they attend.”
Professor and Designer
Aveiro University
“The organizational communication reinforcement and enhancement, both externally and internally, is a trend that will extend for years due to the perception of the importance it has for strengthening the organizations and associated brands identity. Joan Costa, dean of brand design, states that a company is as strong as its ability to transmit, coordinately and consistently, their communication, in order to generate a consistent, differentiated and solid image. Is in this direction organizations, aware of the high degree global scale competition, are going, in order to be perceived as a whole, strong, competitive and innovative.”
AESE Business School Communication Responsible
“The organizational communication in 2016 tends to businesses that create value. And only companies creating value are able to generate and nurture genuine relationships with the organization stakeholders.
Those are the sustainability and commitment pillars to maintain a company as a living and healthy body.
It is in the involvement of people who engage in achieving the company's mission and in defining actions and strategic implementation that can be expected sustainable growth and impact on the market and in society. Leaders and employees with values are needed to flexible organizations - able to say yes to opportunities that add financial and human wealth.”
“Valorsul “ - Communication, Image and Documentation Director
“I would designate my business sector as "Environment" more specifically waste management . Communication trends will have two aspects: content and form. As for content, challenges and goals that Portugal has to reach by 2020 will require that we should focus on waste production prevention, reuse and recycling, and more innovative and quick ways to change habits and behaviors. The issues associated with the circular economy will need to be translated into more common language and its concepts will have to be more tangible to be seen by a bigger audience. As for form, new channels or how to use the existing ones have to be addressed, and organizations operating in the sector will have to form alliances and partnerships - this way I believe results will increase and repetitions will not be promoted. When the challenge is on everyone, even if divided into different levels of effort, the work must be coordinated and focused on the shared outcome.”
GRACE General Assembly President
CAIS - Association General Assembly President
And AIESEC Portugal Advisory Board Chairman
“Those I consider to be main trends in organizational communication are not confined to 2016 year since I believe we will manage them in 2016, but also in subsequent years. The profusion of communication channels and digital platforms are here to stay. It is not yet clear to all what is digital communication, and how the communicator’s adaptation to this new reality will mark the new communication space. With it comes the challenge of producing content to multiple channels and customization to various target audiences. We will live in a web much more targeted and personalized, and more difficult to centrally manage. We will see a channels and content dispersion trend, but also of communication transmitters, as each user is, too, a content producer. It is said that traditional media are losing strength, but this is not necessarily true. The communication does not cease to exist simply exist on other platforms. Communication remains and users remain attentive to messages, only consuming them in different ways, by different origins, different platforms and with different issuers. The winners will be those who adapt quickly to this new reality, this new way of drinking and digesting information and communication... aware that they can never lose sight of people and achievement of personal relationships.”