“This Tool is Fundamental …”

Cais Association, Ronald McDonald Children’s Association, North Life Association and Afid Difference Foundation were the four institutions covered in april this year by the program “enabling the social economy in communication”

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Communication and Trends [newsletter]

We believe that sharing, knowledge, engagement and innovation are needed values to have a better communication. In line with this we created in February a linkedin special heading: “Notables” with the goal of sharing views about Organizational Communication.

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Montepio foundation partnership

The goal is to promote the sharing of knowledge and cooperation between the social economy entities, contributing to their capacitation and organizational communication skills development.

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Portuguese Diversity Letter

The Portuguese Diversity Letter is a tool for all employers organizations committed to enjoy the potential and value of every person, optimizing the diversity of the people who work with them and of future collaborators.

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APCE Congress

COMUNICATORIUM PARTICIPATED IN THE APCE CONGRESS ON 30 MARCH IN THE ELECTRICITY MUSEUM. THE THEME WAS BUSINESS COMMUNICATION – CHALLENGES FOR ORGANIZATIONS ASPIRING TO BECAME HUMAN. This event was joined by 150 congressman and more than 20 speakers distributed in 5 panels. The themes were about communication in its dimension between the interior world (the […]

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